Anarchism: Freedom, Equality, Solidarity. Anarchism is a word that evokes various reactions and associations. Each of us has heard something about it and has some opinion. For some, it’s chaos and disorder, while for others, it’s a symbol of the struggle for freedom and social justice. In reality, anarchism is an ideology based on ideal values ​​– freedom, equality, and solidarity. It lacks a bit of love, but it emerges when the above ideas are put into practice. Anarchists oppose all forms of authority and hierarchy, including state government, capitalism, and other forms of oppression.

This concept is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. However, at its core, it is an ideology based on the ideals of freedom, equality, and solidarity. In the face of endless discussions about anarchism. It is worth taking a closer look at this social movement, its values, and aspirations. Let’s consider what anarchism really is, what it means to be an anarchist, what the foundations of this ideology are, and what challenges it poses to the modern world. Contrary to appearances, these are very important questions. We don’t even realize how important they are.


What is anarchism?

Anarchism stems directly from the desire for individual and societal freedom that has accompanied humanity forever. The main idea of ​​anarchism is the belief that people can live together without the need to be governed by the state or other authorities. Anarchists believe in self-governance and social cooperation as a way to organize society. Society does not need a ruler because, in essence, everyone’s life is anarchist until taxes appear. Formerly, as the saying goes, the period of anarchy in our lives was longer; currently, it is becoming shorter and will likely disappear as history repeats itself, and everyone wants to be a winner in the systemic game. Unless they opt out of it.

10 Commandments of an Anarchist:

  1. Respect the freedom of every individual. Anarchism recognizes the autonomy of the individual as the highest value. This means respecting everyone’s right to make their own decisions about their lives, choices, beliefs, and actions. However, anarchism emphasizes that individual freedom should not infringe upon the freedom of others.
  2. Fight for social equality. Anarchists aim to create a society where all people are treated equally and fairly, regardless of their background, social status, or affiliation with any group. Anarchism opposes all forms of social inequality, including economic, racial, gender, and sexual inequality.
  3. Be in solidarity with others. Solidarity is a key anarchist principle that encourages mutual support and cooperation among people in pursuit of common goals. Anarchists believe that strong social bonds and mutual support are necessary to achieve social justice and fight oppression.
  4. Rebel against oppression. Anarchism emphasizes active opposition to all forms of oppression and exploitation. Anarchists engage in the struggle against state government, capitalism, racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression, striving to create a society based on equality and justice.
  5. Strive for a classless society. Anarchists dream of a society without class divisions or differences in access to resources and opportunities. Anarchism aims to create a society where all people have equal access to education, healthcare, housing, work, and other basic needs.
  6. Practice participatory democracy. Anarchists believe in direct democracy, where decisions are made by community participants in a direct and participatory manner. In an anarchist society, every person has the right to have a voice and influence decisions regarding their life and community.
  7. Reject violence and aggression. Anarchists advocate for peaceful conflict resolution and oppose all forms of violence and aggression. Anarchism promotes conflict resolution through dialogue, negotiation, and cooperation.
  8. Be environmentally conscious. Anarchists believe in sustainable development and environmental protection. They strive to live in harmony with nature and minimize humanity’s negative impact on the environment.
  9. Intellectual and spiritual development. Anarchists encourage continuous pursuit of knowledge, personal development, and critical thinking. Anarchism emphasizes the importance of education, self-improvement, and striving for the full potential of each individual.
  10. Be an active participant in society. Anarchists believe that social change requires involvement and action.

Anarchism – Summary:

Anarchism is more than just an ideology – it is a way of thinking, being, and acting. Its foundations are based on respect for individual freedom, the fight for social equality, and solidarity with others. Anarchism also opposes all forms of oppression and exploitation and strives to create a society based on the principles of participatory democracy and social equality. Although the path to an anarchist society may be difficult and full of challenges, it still represents an inspiring vision for those who desire change and social justice.

PS. For me, this is a very conscious approach to life and true freedom. – August Witti


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